Generating ssl.key and .crt file for SSL Certificate
Generating ssl.key and .crt file for SSL Certificate

Create an instance in Linux
In the SSH write down the following commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install openssl
openssl genrsa -out domain_name.key 2048
openssl req -new -sha -key domain_name.key -out domain_name.csr
Now provide the following details:
Country name
State or province Name
Locality Name
Organization Name
Organizational Unit Name
Common Name
Email Address
Write down the following commands
To list files present in path type - ls /home/ubuntu
You can see two files under this path as - domain_name.csr and domain_name.key
Now copy the content from domain_name.csr file by typing cat domain_name.csr and paste it in the CSR box in website(done by Support team)
Edit file 000-default.conf present in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
Before editing:
After Editing:
Add the below lines at the bottom of file as shown in below fig.
Replace with the ServerAdmin
Replace in Servername with domain name
Once the above processes are done, an ssl certificate will be received in the mail.
Download the ssl certificate and in mail) and paste it in the virtual machine instance in a specific location (like, home/ubuntu/)
Move bundle file and ssl certificate to location - /etc/ssl/certs.
Enter the location of certificate, bundle, domain_name.csr and domain_name.key in the file - 000-default.conf, as shown in below fig.
Save and exit.
Now you can open the website using https://external-ip