
Generating ssl.key and .crt file for SSL Certificate

Generating ssl.key and .crt file for SSL Certificate

Generating ssl.key and .crt file for SSL Certificate
  • Create an instance in Linux

  • In the SSH write down the following commands:

    • apt-get update

    • apt-get install openssl

    • openssl genrsa -out domain_name.key 2048

    • openssl req -new -sha -key domain_name.key -out domain_name.csr

  • Now provide the following details:

    • Country name

    • State or province Name

    • Locality Name

    • Organization Name

    • Organizational Unit Name

    • Common Name

    • Email Address

  • Write down the following commands

    • To list files present in path type - ls /home/ubuntu

You can see two files under this path as - domain_name.csr and domain_name.key

    • Now copy the content from domain_name.csr file by typing cat domain_name.csr and paste it in the CSR box in website(done by Support team)

    • Edit file 000-default.conf present in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled

Before editing:

After Editing:

Add the below lines at the bottom of file as shown in below fig.

Replace Admin@com2323.com with the ServerAdmin

Replace com2323.com in Servername with domain name

    • Once the above processes are done, an ssl certificate will be received in the mail.

    • Download the ssl certificate and domain_name.ca-bundle(received in mail) and paste it in the virtual machine instance in a specific location (like, home/ubuntu/)

    • Move bundle file and ssl certificate to location -  /etc/ssl/certs.

    • Enter the location of certificate, bundle, domain_name.csr and domain_name.key in the file - 000-default.conf, as shown in below fig.

    • Save and exit.

    • Now you can open the website using https://external-ip
